Emory offers a variety of opportunities for people of all ages, abilities, and musical interests to get involved with the Music Ministry. Every service features a mixture of traditional and contemporary music.

Emory Ringers is Emory’s handbell choir that performs once per month during worship, September through May. The group is open to all ages, and limited musical experience is required. This past Spring, the Emory Ringers traveled and performed at our sister church, Salem Gulden’s UMC.
Rehearses Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm

Emory Singers is Emory’s vocal choir that performs during worship, September through May. The group is open to all ages, and anyone that has a passion for singing is welcome!
Rehearses Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00 pm

Emory Ensemble is Emory’s instrumental ensemble that rehearses and performs on the first Sunday of every month. The group consists of instrumentalists from the congregation.

There are opportunities for special music (vocalists and instrumentalists) every Sunday, whether that is a soloist or a small chamber group.

Director of Music, Jason Cebulski is a graduate of the Sunderman Conservatory of Music at Gettysburg College. Born in the Westminster (MD) area, Jason has and continues to perform with the Westminster Municipal Band and the Lyric Band of Hanover. With a lifelong focus on worshipping God through music, Jason brings seven years of experience leading congregational vocal and handbell music.